Explore God's
Wild & Wonderful World

With the Nat Theo Nature Club

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An easy, fun, and engaging resource for nature and Bible study. New resources every week for ages 4-14.

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The Club now includes Bonus Videos for each podcast lesson! Beginning with Lesson 61.

Eryn Lynum


Eryn is a certified master naturalist with a degree in Biblical studies and theology. She is the author of three books including Rooted In Wonder: Nurturing Your Family's Faith Through God's Creation. She loves hiking with her husband and four kids, whom they homeschool.

Jill Smith

Curriculum Writer

Jill is a lifelong learner holding degrees in Environmental Biology and Natural Resources and worked as a forester. Jill authored the book Nature Unveiled: 40 Reflections on Experiencing God’s Creation. Jill shares her passion for God's creation and expertise in our Nat Theo Club resources. 

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Nat Theo

Explore God's Word and his created world with Master Naturalist, Bible teacher and author Eryn Lynum. 

Nature Lessons
Rooted in the Bible

Discover God's wonderful creation rooted in the truth of his Word!
Nat = Natural, Theo = Theology. Where kids dive into the study of Natural Theology—discovering God through nature!

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A Podcast for kids

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