It is not at all where I expected to come face to face with the complete uprooting and overhauling of my motherhood.
In fact you could say that I was completely blind-sided. It was all together a pleasant surprise as well as a punch in the gut. It was Proverbs. And it was my newfound treasure-trove of hope nuggets and map markers and U-turn signs— and exactly everything I hadn’t known I had been searching for.
It changed everything.
I had always had a gripe with the book of Proverbs. As a Bible college student I had always struggled with its exposition. As a believer I had always struggled with its obscurity. And as a writer I had most definitely struggled with the author’s seemingly complete lack of aim, rhyme, or reason.
As a mother, I found it to be exactly what I needed it to be. And I hope that you will, too.
Before you sit seven of these Proverbs, short bursts of truth offering hope and healing and wisdom for all of us weary moms. My prayer is that they will restore you, just as they have done for me. That through the truth of His Word, God will lay at the doorstep of your heart exactly the encouragement you need through these words. Hang in there, weary moms. Because we have the Creator of the universe and the Lover of our souls willing and waiting to deliver us into the most full and abundant kind of motherhood, more extraordinary than we could ever imagine.
And it all begins in His Word.
Us moms, we are all a little bit weary. That is why I am so excited to offer you this free Ebook, decorated beautifully by the artwork of artist Becki Campbell from A Shiny Reflection. So breathe deep, weary mom. Sit down with a cup of tea, soak up some Scripture, and read the Proverbs like you never have before.
Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!
Receive free inspirational resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, parenting with intentionality, and teaching our kids who God is through what He has made!
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