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How Do Orchids Grow? The Smallest Seed on Earth
Have you ever planted flowers in a garden or a pot? If you’ve ever watched a seed push through the soil, stretch toward the sky, and bloom into something beautiful, you know how incredible the process is. But did you know that some plants have a very unusual way of growing?
Orchids, one of the most diverse and fascinating flowers in the world, start their life from a seed so tiny you can’t even see it with the naked eye. But if it’s too small to hold the nutrients needed to grow, how do orchids grow into their stunning shapes and colors? The answer is surprising: orchids need help from fungi to survive!
What Is the Smallest Seed?
Many plant seeds are tiny, but orchid seeds are among the smallest in the world. They are so small—about the size of a speck of dust—that they don’t carry the stored food most seeds have to begin growing.
Jesus once told a parable about the mustard seed, describing it as the smallest of all seeds that grows into a great plant (Matthew 13:31-32). But the orchid seed is even smaller! So why didn’t Jesus mention orchids? Because people in His time had no way of seeing something so microscopic. Jesus used the mustard seed because it was a very small seed His listeners could recognize.
What Is an Orchid?
You’ve probably seen orchids in grocery stores, their large, colorful flowers making them a favorite houseplant. But did you know there are about 28,000 to 30,000 different kinds of orchids?
Orchids grow in a variety of climates—from tropical jungles to dry deserts and even the tundra of Alaska! These flowers are a testament to God’s creativity, each one uniquely designed and perfect for its environment.
I once thought orchids were only found in rainforests, but during a wildflower workshop in the Rocky Mountains, I discovered wild orchids growing at 9,000 feet above sea level! Seeing these delicate blooms in unexpected places reminded me how vast and varied God’s creation is.
How Do Orchids Grow Up?
Most plants grow by sprouting roots that absorb nutrients from the soil, then sending up a green shoot to gather sunlight. But some orchids can’t do this on their own. Their seeds are too small to store food, so they rely on a special helper: fungus!
A type of fungus called Mycorrhiza forms a partnership with orchid seeds, attaching to their roots and feeding them nutrients from the soil. This allows the orchid to grow until it can make its own food.
This relationship between orchids and fungi is called a symbiotic relationship—when two different species work together. Some orchids rely on fungus only at the beginning of their growth, but others, like the coralroot orchid, depend on fungus their entire lives because they don’t grow leaves!
Do Orchids Have Leaves?
Most plants use their leaves to absorb sunlight and make food through a process called photosynthesis. Some orchids, like the ones found in grocery stores, have large green leaves that help them grow. But not all orchids have leaves!
Certain species, like the coralroot orchid, never grow leaves and instead take nutrients from fungi for their whole lives.
Growing Up in Christ
The way orchids grow reminds me of how we grow in our faith. Just as an orchid seed cannot grow on its own, we cannot grow spiritually without drawing near to God.
2 Peter 3:18 tells us, “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” We grow in faith by reading the Bible, praying, and spending time with others who follow Jesus.
Colossians 2:7 also says, “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught.” Like an orchid depending on fungus, we need to stay rooted in Christ to grow spiritually strong.
So, how do orchids grow? With the help of fungi! Their tiny seeds, though nearly invisible, transform into stunning flowers through a hidden partnership underground. And just like orchids, our faith starts small but grows as we stay connected to Jesus.
The next time you see an orchid, remember: even the smallest seed can grow into something extraordinary with the right support. And just like orchids need fungus, we need Jesus to thrive!
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