Dear Fellow Mama, God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle

August 26, 2017

  1. Elaine says:

    Oh my goodness, this is such AWESOME news! I smiled as I read it! God LOVES entrusting the trustworthy with precious littles! Sooooo excited for you all as you prepare to welcome yet another one! What a blessing!!! ❤️????????❤️

  2. First of all, congratulations on your newest little one!

    Secondly, this resonated with me so much. I have 4 littles, ages 9, 7, 4, and 3 and I’ve really been struggling with not being able to handle this. My kids all have varying special needs due to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, my youngest to the point of being medically complex and needing a feeding tube until he was 18 months old. My own EDS has been getting worse as I get older and I’m not physically capable of taking care of my kids and home on my own and have to rely on my family to help. It’s hard to give up control and accept that you can’t care for your own children, especially knowing that I will continue to get worse and someday my kids will probably struggle with their EDS considerably as well. God has definitely given me more than I can handle, but I’m learning to lean on Him to get through each day.

    • Eryn Lynum says:

      Thank you so much Hannah! Your story and testimony of God equipping you–it is beautiful. I have Addison’s Disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes plenty of fatigue and dizziness. It is certainly a struggle to take care of babies when also dealing with an illness, which I know is the case for many mamas. Your faith is inspiring. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Katherine Stevenson says:

    God also gives everyone freewill, and having children is a choice so it could have been prevented.

    • Eryn Lynum says:

      Thanks for chiming in Katherine! I certainly realize that 🙂 This one came as a surprise but also a huge blessing.

  4. That was so good Eryn. Thank you for the truth of the God factor in our inadequacies. Such a comfort and blessing. And of course, Congratulations!

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Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!

I'm Eryn, Master Naturalist, Author, & Bible Teacher

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