Fresh, homemade apple crisp made from apples we hand-picked at the orchard, along with a soy latte? Yes please 🙂 This transition into motherhood is resulting in a vast change in perspective. Not just my perspective on how much time an adequate shower requires, or my perspective on a “good night’s sleep”, but my […]
Gray and I are being severely challenged in regards to service. As a result, we are so very, very excited about our impending graduations this December, and the time we will have to invest in ministry, or rather, in other’s lives. We can’t deny that we have been busy. Raising our first child , both […]
A blog post! Has life returned to a somewhat normal routine? Routine would hardly be my word of choice. Life with this little guy: is anything but routine; anything but mundane; anything but dull! He keeps us on our toes. One of my new favorite things to do is watch Ezekiel discover. What it […]
“Our Father strips everything away from time to time to give us the opportunity of loving and trusting and responding to Him just because He is our Father. He knows what the cross is going to mean in our lives; He knows the death march that lies ahead of us in order that there may […]
“Our Father strips everything away from time to time to give us the opportunity of loving and trusting and responding to Him just because He is our Father. He knows what the cross is going to mean in our lives; He knows the death march that lies ahead of us in order that there may […]
Well, we’re finally under 50 days, and I will now allow myself to begin the countdown 🙂 From and including: Thursday, June 9, 2011To and including: Wednesday, July 27, 2011It is 49 days from the start date to the end date, end date includedOr 1 month, 19 days including the end date Alternative time units […]
Where is my oven mit? I hate moving…. Laying in bed last night, I told Grayson that I “really don’t like large doses of change”. He just laughed. I suppose it is a bit ironic, with us preparing to move to Europe and all. This transition has proven to be a much bigger turning point […]
My heart is eager to progress in our path to ministry overseas. Sometimes being here can be exhausting, only because my heart is so furiously fighting to be elsewhere. I must at times reign it in. I know, although our time of preparation has extended itself beyond our initial expectations, that this is God’s hand […]
Father, my offense towards You in greater than any offense I have ever suffered against me.An irrevocable disdain, even if only through my birth.Tainted by breath–Your original breath of life, swallowed up by death; these clay hands to pound those nails.The nails driven in by my own force.They puncture Your Dear One’s flesh.They puncture, also, […]
Two years ago to this day, Grayson Lynum took me hiking in the Vernon Marsh, a beautiful wetland–the same one he took me hiking in to ask me to date him. This time, just like the fist, he built me a fire. This time, like the first, he asked me a big question. But this […]
Two years ago to this day, Grayson Lynum took me hiking in the Vernon Marsh, a beautiful wetland–the same one he took me hiking in to ask me to date him. This time, just like the fist, he built me a fire. This time, like the first, he asked me a big question. But this […]
I may be too wordy. All throughout school, I was the one stressing not over meeting the word count on a paper, but rather limiting myself to the maximum word count allowance. And here I find myself again at 91 words over, and I have not yet written my conclusion. I hate deleting words. It’s […]
Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!