I could not bake. This was a realization I had to accept growing up. Even the frozen pizza, boasting of its simplicity from its little cardboard box, was just too much to take on. Realizing all too late that you are, in fact, supposed to remove it from its little round cardboard piece before placing it into the oven, I gave up. Even those Take and Bake pizzas from Papa Murphey’s, you know, the ones that you are supposed to leave on the little cardboard tray, well, I thought I couldn’t go wrong with those. That was, until I returned to the oven to check on my pizza only to find it inflating–yes, inflating–into a large bubble of cheesy goo. I could not bake…
Wheat Berry Muffins with Orange and Nutmeg
It took time, and a lot of failed attempts at delectable, sugary, treats. I can’t claim master baker status, but at least people seem to enjoy what I bake. I have slowly begun to put a homespun twist on what I place into that oven. Moving away from boxed brownie mix to the more tasty (not healthy–tasty…) homemade pan of fudgy goodness. One of my goals for my foodie blog is to begin incorporating healthy practices into my baking, and to do so in a way my husband will still eat (and enjoy) what I bake. This morning, I met success.
My husband’s first response to these berry muffins? “They smell healthy”. He was picking up on the warm aroma of whole grain. His second response was to lather his warm berry muffin in butter. Or, rather, a creamy concoction of corn syrup, “48% vegetable oil spread”, and, well, who knows what else. He even commented as he spread it on, “I bet this has no dairy in it…” Hey, the implementation of a healthy diet style takes time. Give the man some credit–he is eating my whole grain berry muffins! And finally, his third response, after consuming the entire muffin? He reached for another. Success, indeed.
This recipe I adapted from one I found on AllRecipes.com (Here). I have made several batches, each wandering further and further from the original recipe. Today’s result was the tastiest and healthiest yet.
Combine and Set Aside
1 cup quick rolled oats
1 cup orange juice
1 and 1/2 half teaspoons grated orange zest
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup Greek Yogurt (I used Dannon Oikos with Honey)
3 eggs, beaten
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
Stir flour mixture into wet mixture
Fold in:
1 Pint fresh blueberries
1 cup dried cranberries
Top with cinnamon sugar. Spoon into muffin cups, bake about 15-18 minutes at 400 degrees.
One of these, along with some Kashi 7-grain cereal topped with fresh blueberry and raspberries, with some organic soy milk, and an organic soy milk latte, may just give me enough energy for this little guy. Well, and to tackle that mountain of dishes which always seems to be at the end of my journey of learning how to bake wholesome food.
Testing the crawling waters!
Now, usually when I hear the words “Organic”, “Wholesome”, or even “Kashi”, they rise within me this frustration born of my conflict of desires. Wholesome, real food, and a balanced budget. But let me tell you–it is doable! Our Kashi cereal we bought on sale ($2.99 a box). Because we bought 3 boxes (which, for a family that rarely eats cereal, will last a long while), the store rewarded us with a free half gallon of organic soy milk. The fresh berries? Our neighbors sent us home with last night! (After we stopped over to help them polish off an ice cream birthday cake…..)
Hey, there is a balance to life. A few bites of ice cream cake here and there. A bowl of fresh fruit for dessert to my dessert. And, to my husband’s credit again, he did note that he would always prefer fresh fruit to cake. I do love this man. He is, after all, the one who taught me to try new foods, and cook new foods.
Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!
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