Canning for Culture and Freezing for Fellowship {Preserving the Fresh Farmers’ Market Flavors}

July 4, 2014

  1. Emily T. says:

    I have the canning bug–for many of the reasons you mentioned. I want my family to know that good food isn’t cheap discount easy food. Good food is something to be grown, saved, and served with care and love. I started out canning all kinds of exotic recipes, but learned after that first season that my family really wanted the basics. The single most useful thing I can is crushed tomatoes. I am able to use them in many ways throughout the year. I do still love to try out the unusual recipes, but I do one small batch now. Today, I tried out a new recipe for apricot and date chutney as my CSA box had lots of apricots. It turned out wonderful.

    • says:

      Thanks Emily! That chutney sounds delicious 🙂 I am hoping to can a bunch of tomatoes too, and also to make some tomato sauce. I love braising meat in the iron skillet with tomato sauce.

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