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Amazon has a book deal going on through December 21st! Here is how to get the coupon, and a list of our favorite books to use it on.

Your Amazon Book Coupon And 9 Great Books To Use It On


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“I won, but I don’t feel good about it.” My friend’s words rang in my mind the very next day. No, sometimes “winning” in parenting hardly feels like winning.

Oh Lord, I Need A Parenting Win Today (Parents Rising Book Giveaway!)


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The truth is, this job is very, very, very hard. It is demanding and exhausting and confusing and incredibly emotional. But that is exactly where the beauty is found. In the hard stuff. And in the big grace that makes the hard stuff into the holy stuff.

3 Places I Never Expected to Find the Beauty of Motherhood


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The truth is, this job is very, very, very hard. It is demanding and exhausting and confusing and incredibly emotional. But that is exactly where the beauty is found. In the hard stuff. And in the big grace that makes the hard stuff into the holy stuff.

3 Places I Never Expected to Find the Beauty of Motherhood


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What if we were to say goodbye to survival mode, and begin embracing what we are really passionate about–those things that give us a deep sense of purpose?

Say Goodbye To Survival Mode And Yes To Your Purpose!

Living With Intention

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As soon as I began reading Kayla’s story, I couldn’t put it down. Don’t get me wrong—I wanted to. Her story is anything but easy. These are the lessons that will change how each one of us Mamas views our children, the gifts that they are, and the time that we have with them.

Finding Hope In The Unexpected {Anchored Book Review}


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It begins at that first introduction with a first impression so strong and beautiful enough to graft two souls into one, but it does’t end there. There is a whole melody playing out as we find ourselves surprised my motherhood time and time again.

The Melody of Surprises That String Motherhood Together {Surprised By Motherhood}


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Motherhood is impossibly difficult, everyday challenging, and tragically humbling—it can leave us drowning. Need a dose of hope? We Can Say Goodbye To Survival Mode.

For Any Mom Who Feels Like She’s Drowning {Say Goodbye To Survival Mode}

Time Management

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Motherhood is impossibly difficult, everyday challenging, and tragically humbling—it can leave us drowning. Need a dose of hope? We Can Say Goodbye To Survival Mode.

For Any Mom Who Feels Like She’s Drowning {Say Goodbye To Survival Mode}

Time Management

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Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!

I'm Eryn, Master Naturalist, Author, & Bible Teacher

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