My boy’s words on that day stuck with me months later. Words like that often do. Not only did they show me a hard place in my heart, but they showed me a soft, strong place in my son’s heart.
Back on that day when the doctor handed me the diagnosis, we had no idea what to expect, aside from limitations. And yet, I am learning that these limitations are an invite.
Motherhood requires that we serve and serve and serve some more, and then wake to do it all over again tomorrow. It is sweet and humbling and wonderful—and depleting.
Motherhood requires that we serve and serve and serve some more, and then wake to do it all over again tomorrow. It is sweet and humbling and wonderful—and depleting.
This open invite into their world, it’s a gracious offering that our children give us, and we can’t know for how long it will last.
I hadn’t seen it until that conversation with my husband–this sentence I had ruled myself guilty of. It’s the same shadow hanging over many moms today.
Son, I need you to know something. It is something I am not proud of, but it is a part of who I am, and it is important. The chances are, you will encounter it in your life on a personal level. So I need you to know this—there was a time when I hurt […]
“Do you have any collections, Hammy?” With uncanny agility, he moved his little body from rock to rock as we made our way down the riverbed. The evening before, when we had picked my mom up from the airport, he counted it of utmost importance to tell her first of his two collections. “I have a […]
This morning I sat in a room of women. “I have three boys,” I began, “Ages 5, 3, and 1.” And I just wonder, what would happen if I had said this instead…
This morning I sat in a room of women. “I have three boys,” I began, “Ages 5, 3, and 1.” And I just wonder, what would happen if I had said this instead…
What if we were to put a name to the things that are stealing our peace right now? What if we were to create a simple plan with the power to reclaim our motherhood?
Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!