Moms can work for much more than just an income. If you choose to work, your job should be something that gives you more purpose and freedom. (Money Making Mom Book Review)
They are small and bright green and gangly; long limbs zig-zagging beneath them and holding them up— not even an inch tall.
He walks through the door to find me sprawled across the sofa, yoga pants spattered in spit up and spaghetti sauce.
He walks through the door to find me sprawled across the sofa, yoga pants spattered in spit up and spaghetti sauce.
It is not at all where I expected to come face to face with the complete uprooting and overhauling of my motherhood. In fact you could say that I was completely blind-sided.
They say, “The days are so long but the years are so short”, and “It will be over in a blink of an eye.” But what they’re not telling us is this…
He comes home and I can hardly muster a “Hello.” He told me once that one of his favorite things is coming home to a warm welcoming– a smile and a hug.
I can hardly look up.
He finishes, but turns back for more. There is no more. What is a mom to feel when all she has to give is not enough? And right when I begin to feel as though I am not sufficient, I realize how true it is. I am not enough for him.
Mamas are meant to redeem the time. But how do we redeem something that hasn’t yet been spent? We are learning how to dog-ear time’s passing with life lived in such a way that the clock’s ticking will never erase it.
We redeem time by restoring its potential for beauty.
Mamas are meant to redeem the time. But how do we redeem something that hasn’t yet been spent? We are learning how to dog-ear time’s passing with life lived in such a way that the clock’s ticking will never erase it.
We redeem time by restoring its potential for beauty.
I rock the chair front to back. Your eyes remain locked on mine, blue orbs swaying left to right within pools of white, dancing in perfect cadence to our rocking. I can’t believe I almost missed this.
This morning I held my firstborn near as I whispered a prayer into his ear. His hair smelled of sweat and bug spray. I memorized the feel of his embrace as I kissed him once more and sent him on his way.
Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!