Behind us the clock went about its business ticking away at our day, but something in me sunk — a moment weighed down to make its mark on time.
Each time I would place pen to paper to write about my child, I would ask myself if this was a tale of fiction.
He caught my nervous upward glance. Dark clouds pressed in on two sides. And then he turned to our son.
I want him immersed in the breathtaking story of Scripture. That’s just what Zondervan’s new NIrV Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids has put into motion.
I want him immersed in the breathtaking story of Scripture. That’s just what Zondervan’s new NIrV Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids has put into motion.
We can send our children off on the first day with all the right supplies, but if we don’t send them off with intentional prayers, we’re missing our chance to spiritually prepare.
I know that this mothering instinct — to protect my children at all cost from the horrors and devastations of this world — cannot drive me to run away. No, it needs to press me to consider what I’ll run to.
We realized that we cannot afford to not take our kids on these trips, and so we needed to find ways to make it affordable.
Dear son, I saw you not see her that day. But one day soon, your eyes will linger.
I see it as I show up and do the rinse and repeat work of motherhood. As we tackle the same tasks and discipline at a dizzying pace, waiting for results we may not glean for years to come. Will we trust that God is at work in the midst of our waiting?
I see it as I show up and do the rinse and repeat work of motherhood. As we tackle the same tasks and discipline at a dizzying pace, waiting for results we may not glean for years to come. Will we trust that God is at work in the midst of our waiting?
I want to choose the kind of busy that I can invite my children into. A busy they can get on board with. The type of busy where they feel a deep sense of mission and reward. I want them to see the depth and breadth of all we pursue, to look at our life and, in all of its facets, to see the reflection of eternity.
Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!