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I see the question still hanging in your mind, there’s still time to call this off. Morning’s frenzy has left your heart far from worshipful.

Dear mama who made it to the pew today


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I began to understand why Halloween can be such a polarizing topic in the church community. And now as a Christian parent, I’ve reflected upon it more and faced even harder questions.

3 Wise Ways For The Christian Home To Approach Halloween


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When our children know the place from which they came and the story to which they entered, they are grounded in the family narrative.

Your Daughter’s Name and Her Story Unfolding


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When our children know the place from which they came and the story to which they entered, they are grounded in the family narrative.

Your Daughter’s Name and Her Story Unfolding


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I was stunned, stopped by that small word staring at me. How many times had I passed by it before?

How a Child Sees Time


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The question flew out of my mouth when I was disappointed, agitated, or frustrated… Things wouldn’t change until I changed my approach.

How “Purpose Over Perfection” Changed How I Mother


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A chalkboard hangs on our living room wall reminding us of our own family’s core values. The truth is, there could be one million good things to spend our life for. But if we focus on everything, we’ll end up focusing on nothing.

Becoming A Family That Dreams Together (+ Free Downloadable Conversation Guide)


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I looked at the clock on the oven and once I said “go,” my ears filled with words and phrases that broke my heart.

My child said a four-letter word


four letter word

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With our new list, we are saying yes. Because maybe we too have walked through our hard stuff so we would be strong enough to step into theirs.

We had a million reasons to say No.


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With our new list, we are saying yes. Because maybe we too have walked through our hard stuff so we would be strong enough to step into theirs.

We had a million reasons to say No.


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I felt like I lived in a fish bowl of temper tantrums, potty-talk and sticky fingers declaring my failures. Parenthood is a vulnerable position.

A Lesson in Mommy-Wisdom That Broke Through My Insecurities


936 pennies mom wisdom

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Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!

I'm Eryn, Master Naturalist, Author, & Bible Teacher

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