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I looked at the clock on the oven and once I said “go,” my ears filled with words and phrases that broke my heart.

My child said a four-letter word


four letter word

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With our new list, we are saying yes. Because maybe we too have walked through our hard stuff so we would be strong enough to step into theirs.

We had a million reasons to say No.


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I felt like I lived in a fish bowl of temper tantrums, potty-talk and sticky fingers declaring my failures. Parenthood is a vulnerable position.

A Lesson in Mommy-Wisdom That Broke Through My Insecurities


936 pennies mom wisdom

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I felt like I lived in a fish bowl of temper tantrums, potty-talk and sticky fingers declaring my failures. Parenthood is a vulnerable position.

A Lesson in Mommy-Wisdom That Broke Through My Insecurities


936 pennies mom wisdom

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I replayed our reasons for this decision in my mind, and they were sound. Yet one big question sat soaking in a puddle of guilt deep within me. What if I don’t want to do this?

Desire is not an off-limit prayer.


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She stared at the door, waiting for my return. I peered at her from my cool, air-conditioned kitchen, waiting for her response.

When God told me to set my Bible down.


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He is struggling with who he is, and who he wants to become. He is trying to navigate this place for the very first time, and I am too, as his mama.

The Ache of In Between


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What will make an impact not only in the lives of our children now but also for eternity? Prayer has been my first line of both offense and defense when it comes to school.

4 Ways To Pray As They Head Back To School


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I fell as quickly into pride as my child insisting she had nothing new to learn and didn’t need lessons. Unfortunately it’s much easier to spot in our children than ourselves.

I was the unteachable one.


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I fell as quickly into pride as my child insisting she had nothing new to learn and didn’t need lessons. Unfortunately it’s much easier to spot in our children than ourselves.

I was the unteachable one.


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“How can we know what God is like?” I asked my son. His answer left me stunned.

Where a child finds God.


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Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!

I'm Eryn, Master Naturalist, Author, & Bible Teacher

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