Rooted In Wonder:
Nurturing Your Family's Faith Through God's Creation
Intentional Parenting
Nature Studies
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Master Naturalist, Bible teacher, author, wife, and mama of four! Join our adventures of discovering God while adventuring in creation.
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Learning about American Bison comeback was made possible by: Award-winning science curriculum by Apologia.
Last summer, my family and our good friends went camping in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. While exploring Custer State Park, we had a truly unforgettable experience. As the sun started setting, the hills lit up with a warm glow, and we drove through a prairie filled with hundreds of American bison! Even better, there were baby bison (calves) jumping and playing with each other. It felt like stepping back in time, and I couldn’t wait to share more about these incredible animals with you today.
This lesson is inspired by a wonderful question from a listener. He asked: “Do you think God forgives the settlers who hunted bison from trains and almost made them extinct?”
While this is a tough topic to discuss, it’s an important one. As we dive into the story of the bison, we’ll see how God’s creation, even in the midst of hardship, tells an incredible story of forgiveness and hope.
Before we get to the bison’s incredible story, let’s first learn a little about what they are. You might have heard bison called “buffalo,” but they are actually different animals!
Both bison and buffalo belong to the same family of animals, known as Bovidae. These animals are cloven-hoofed ruminants, which means they have a split hoof (like toes!) and they are designed by God to eat in a special way. When bison eat grass, it goes into their four stomach compartments. They chew it, bring it back up (yep, gross, right?) and chew it again as “cud” to break it down. It goes through their stomachs in a unique process, which helps them get all the nutrients they need. Isn’t that cool?
So, what’s the difference between a bison and a buffalo? Here are some key differences:
So, if you’re ever in the American West and see a large, humped animal with short horns, you’re looking at a bison!
Now, let’s talk about the difficult part of the bison’s history.
In the 1800s, American bison were nearly wiped out. From once numbering in the tens of millions, their population plummeted to just a few hundred. Why? Well, there were a few reasons:
This massive hunting led to near extinction, which is so sad. Bison are not only vital to their ecosystem, but they were also a crucial resource for Native Americans.
Thankfully, toward the end of the 1800s, people began realizing that bison were on the brink of extinction and worked hard to save them. One such person was James “Scotty” Philip, known as the “Man Who Saved the Bison.”
Scotty began with a small herd and worked hard to protect them. He even convinced the U.S. Congress to help protect bison by setting aside land for their conservation. Thanks to Scotty and many others—including Native American tribes and naturalists like William Hornaday—bison began to make a comeback.
Today, there are around 440,000 bison in America. While their numbers are much lower than they once were, it’s a huge victory that they’re not extinct.
This brings us back to the tough question: “Would God forgive those who hunted bison to near extinction?”
The Bible tells us that God is full of grace and forgiveness. Romans 3:23 reminds us that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” But the good news is, God offers forgiveness to everyone who turns to Him, no matter what they’ve done.
Just look at the Apostle Paul. Before he became Paul, he was Saul, and he actually persecuted and killed Christians! Yet, God forgave him, and Paul’s life was completely changed.
In the same way, I believe God would forgive those who hunted bison, if they asked for forgiveness and turned to Him. No matter what we’ve done, God’s forgiveness is available to everyone.
I hope you learned something new today about God’s amazing design in the bison and how they made a huge comeback thanks to the efforts of many people and groups. I encourage you to think about how you can make a difference too, by caring for God’s creation.
Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!
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