Why I Am Wishing For a Lesser Christmas

December 6, 2015

  1. Debbie says:

    This is beautiful, Erin. I completely agree.

  2. Dad says:

    You’ve got it Eryn. I’m sitting on our deck reading this, as a Hairy Woodpecker 5 feet from me chirps, as I watch the sunset climb up or hillside bringing a close to the day. Lesser is so much more…

    I look back over 30 years of Christmases as parents, looking at which memories can be recalled. Like each Christmas Eve, finding a village or church nativity scene to surround and read the Christmas Story. Like the year we chased down the antique Schuster’s department store train fron 1928 as it loomed out of the dark mist, stopping at road crossings. Candle light services with real candles. But I find myself hard pressed to remember what resulted from the clutter, hectic shopping, crowded lots, searching for hard to find toys. So I guess in the long run, the clutter doesn’t matter, its results don’t matter. The memories ate found in the silence, in the glow, in the smiles…

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Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!

I'm Eryn, Master Naturalist, Author, & Bible Teacher

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