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After my peanut butter fiasco last week, and the financial burden it took on our grocery fund, I have been mulling over our grocery budget. You see–I have a spending problem. This problem does not result in a full dresser of stylish clothes, a closet boasting of countless shoe options, or the latest electronics. No, […]

Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is

Real Food

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My family has a slight fixation with peanut butter. Ever since I made my first attempt at throwing some on-sale roasted peanuts into my food processor, we’ve been hooked on this wholesome treat. Homemade peanut butter is a permanent inhabitant on our refrigerator shelf. I began making peanut butter when I found coupons for Planters […]

“If you’re failing, you’re in the game”

Real Food

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I realize that some people may classify us as health nuts. Urban dictionary had some interesting definitions of the term. “A health nut is a person who is obsessed about his/her health.” and “He who LOVES veggie dogs”. Neither of these definitions remotely begins to describe how we feel about or approach our health. Obsessed? […]

How Sweet it is to Eat Real Food

Real Food

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I realize that some people may classify us as health nuts. Urban dictionary had some interesting definitions of the term. “A health nut is a person who is obsessed about his/her health.” and “He who LOVES veggie dogs”. Neither of these definitions remotely begins to describe how we feel about or approach our health. Obsessed? […]

How Sweet it is to Eat Real Food

Real Food

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First off, welcome to the new From Famine to Foodie Blog home! This has been some weeks in the making, mostly in my head, but now on your screen! It was time for an update, some cosmetic work, and some technical updates. One of those technical updates is the correction of what many of you […]

Bangers, Brussels, and Birds! (And how they buy you some time…)

Time Management

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From September through December of last year we ate very little real food in our home. Right as I began to emerge up and out of the haze of early pregnancy, and overcome the vast nausea and fatigue of my first-trimester, we set off for a five-week-long visit to my parents’ home in the Ozark mountains. […]

A Time of “De-Processing”, Taking this Grand Adventure One Step Further

Real Food

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First-Trimester Hiatus Blog 3:  “My Husband to the Rescue of Our Health!”Blog Written at 12 Weeks pregnant, November 19, 2012 What do I find attractive? A man perusing through the produce aisle of the supermarket. My man, that is, who after his solo adventure to the market came home with two paper bags full of […]

First-Trimester Hiatus Blog 3: My Husband to the Rescue of Our Health!

Real Food

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Grayson, Zeke and I have spent the past 5 weeks with my parents in their “off-grid” home in the magnificent Ozark mountains. A couple of weeks ago I wrote in my first “off-grid” post that dad and mom have been treating us to some great food here in the Ozarks, not only in their own kitchen, but also out […]

Thinking “Outside of the Box” Inside of the Kitchen

Real Food

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First-Trimester Hiatus Blog 2:  “Onions, hormones, and soup….”Blog Written at 10 Weeks pregnant, November 5, 2012 The onset of hormones and related nausea make for a quick transition from home-cooked meals every night, to no dinner on the table. Needless to say, we’ve had a lack of meals from scratch lately. I’ve managed the occasional home made […]

First-Trimester Hiatus Blog 2: “Onions, hormones, and soup….”

Real Food

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First-Trimester Hiatus Blog 2:  “Onions, hormones, and soup….”Blog Written at 10 Weeks pregnant, November 5, 2012 The onset of hormones and related nausea make for a quick transition from home-cooked meals every night, to no dinner on the table. Needless to say, we’ve had a lack of meals from scratch lately. I’ve managed the occasional home made […]

First-Trimester Hiatus Blog 2: “Onions, hormones, and soup….”

Real Food

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I just devoured one of the greatest meals I have ever had set before me. Truly I would dare to rate this plate of food in the top five dishes I have ever eaten. Unfortunately, I failed to take a photograph of this delectable concoction before I tore it to pieces and thoroughly finished off the entire […]

Escaping the Rut of What We Know


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Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!

I'm Eryn, Master Naturalist, Author, & Bible Teacher

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