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“If your schedule doesn’t allow time to be with God and draw on His strength, then rework your priorities and make a new schedule. The old one is not working.” -Stormie Omartian, Power of a Praying Wife I find that Christians, speaking generally, have set up a legalistic system. There is an unspoken rule that […]


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Getting out of the house looks differently than it used to. Yesterday we were excited to take Ezekiel to the lake for the first time. We decided that we would wait until after his morning nap, to assure he was well rested for an action-packed afternoon. After he awoke, we rushed around the house packing […]

Getting at the Heart of the Matter


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During the first week of this year, Grayson and I set aside time to pray over and plan for the coming year. Looking back on some of the health goals we set, I am astonished. ” Veggies in 1 meal a day. 1 Fruit a day.”    This morning, just for the fun of it, […]



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During the first week of this year, Grayson and I set aside time to pray over and plan for the coming year. Looking back on some of the health goals we set, I am astonished. ” Veggies in 1 meal a day. 1 Fruit a day.”    This morning, just for the fun of it, […]



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Today was a very proud day. At the end of the service at our church, our pastor asked all of the mothers to stand so that they could be recognized. Today I stood. My first Mother’s Day has left me reeling, relishing and reflecting on how blessed I am. Today I stood, yes proud. Proud […]


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I hope that thus far in my blog I have been able to convince readers that eating real food does have noticeable, measurable benefits to one’s health. Besides the obvious benefit of weight loss (I have lost 7 pounds, and Grayson has lost 10), there are also the benefits we have reaped in our energy […]

Because “Our health is worth it”


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Grayson and I were settled into a comfy couch in the foyer of our church watching the sermon on a television. This is where the parents of babies sit. Here there is no fear of if, or when your little one will stir, scream, or express gastric discomfort without shame. Zeke was two months old, […]

Catch that Sack of Potatoes!


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When I was sixteen years old, I embraced a vegetarian diet for a year and a half. The greatest irony of this decision was found in the fact that I have a great distaste for raw vegetables. Throughout my entire stint of being a vegetarian, I ate only a handful of salads. Grayson and I […]

A Smooth Transition


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“And when Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the multitude, saying, ‘I am innocent of this Man’s blood; see to that yourselves.’ And all the people answered and said, ‘His blood be on us and our children!’” […]


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“And when Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the multitude, saying, ‘I am innocent of this Man’s blood; see to that yourselves.’ And all the people answered and said, ‘His blood be on us and our children!’” […]


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For those of you who came to know Christ as your Lord and Savior as a child, you may identify with my first motivation to “pray the prayer”:  a great fear of Hell. Growing up in church, I had heard the stories of this fiery, dark, lonely existence, and would do anything in my little […]

A “Healthy” Dose of Fear


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Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!

I'm Eryn, Master Naturalist, Author, & Bible Teacher

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