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I see your constant wonderings. You wonder if you’re doing enough, if you’re doing too much, if you’re doing it right, if you have any idea what you’re doing at all. But amongst all of these questions gripping you around every corner, I have a few more for you.

To The Mama Of Three Kids Ages Five And Under


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We all know that reading does incredible things for a child, but what about the skill of storytelling? Here is a fun, cheap, and creative way to nurture within your child a love and skill for story telling!

Story Stones – A Fun And Creative Way To Teach Your Kids The Art Of Storytelling!


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It was that frightening hour. You know. 4 pm. Before the husband gets home. And when you have just about reached the end of all you can give. But then he sent that text message.

How To Turn Your Loved One’s Day Around In A Few Words


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It was that frightening hour. You know. 4 pm. Before the husband gets home. And when you have just about reached the end of all you can give. But then he sent that text message.

How To Turn Your Loved One’s Day Around In A Few Words


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The truth is, this job is very, very, very hard. It is demanding and exhausting and confusing and incredibly emotional. But that is exactly where the beauty is found. In the hard stuff. And in the big grace that makes the hard stuff into the holy stuff.

3 Places I Never Expected to Find the Beauty of Motherhood


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The first time he asked the question, it stopped me in my tracks. Over the next few weeks he would repeat his request on several occasions, each time unsettling my spirit a little bit more.

Where My Son Found My Smile Again


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He reminds me that life is more than burdens and agendas and stress. And that sometimes stopping to smell the flowers is not quite enough.

When Stopping To Smell The Flowers Is Not Enough


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Whether you held your child in your womb for a few hours, a few days, or a few weeks, you need to know this: your story matters.

Why Having An Early Miscarriage Is Anything But Normal


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For months I have prayed for their safety, knowing that the very reasons we have brought them here are also the very reasons I am most afraid of.

When I Decided To Let My Kids Do Dangerous Things


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For months I have prayed for their safety, knowing that the very reasons we have brought them here are also the very reasons I am most afraid of.

When I Decided To Let My Kids Do Dangerous Things


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For weeks it has been like walking on eggs shells with him. I begin with the same question we’ve been revisiting to for weeks. “How are you feeling about moving?” His face turns from sad to angry. “It just makes me a little bit mad.” he tells me.

Helping Your Child Through Change When You’re A Little Afraid Of It Yourself


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…I admit that at times I fell into that pit of criticism. And in that, I was very, very wrong. Never has that been more apparent than in the past few months. Now I propose that it is time for a new kind of food revolution; a movement of encouragement, rather than competition.

Why I Stopped Judging How Other Moms Feed Their Kids


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Raising kids stirs something deep in our souls — an innate knowing that our time is finite. Taking my kids outside in creation, I’m discovering how to stretch our time and pack it to the brim with meaning. God’s creativity provides the riches of resources for teaching the next generation who He is and how He loves us. Join our adventure and discover inspiration and resources for refusing rush, creating habits of rest, living intentionally, and making the most of this beautiful life!

I'm Eryn, Master Naturalist, Author, & Bible Teacher

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